Category BRENT’S – The Lighter Side

Wise Insights Which We Should Think About During This Political Season

Introduction Though I am a political individual by nature, within this ministry, I teach Jesus Christ and His word; and therefore trust the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide people into truth concerning the choices that they would make for the highest office of the land. (There are other venues that are more appropriate […]

Snow Day ~ Pictures

Well, I’m stuck inside, so – I took a few pictures with my point-and-shoot camera – please do the same if you are inclined (from inside) and let us see what it is like in your part of the world.  bb Are you sure about this?  

Something To Think About

A simple thought – A mere reflection, and unfortunately a Empathizing situation.  This cartoon reflects what is starting to become a reality in my life (ha ha).  bb

Brent’s Jokes

1. “To be aware, is to be alive.”  (The Pirate joke) During the 1700’s there was a young boy who would daydream about sailing the seven seas all day long, hoping someday to join the crew of a sailing ship.  Finally, at the age of 12 his mother allowed him to become a cabin boy on […]

Faith Bible Ministries Blog ~ An Online Study of the Bible

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” ~~~~~~ This online Bible study series addresses primary New Testament words in their original language - Koinè Greek - as opposed to mainly using the English translations; which is like adding color to a black-and-white picture.

Faith Video Ministries

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"

Faith Bible Ministries

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"