Dying to Self – Part 3 – Understanding and Application – Enabling Dying to Self.*

Dying to Self - 6 (2)

Typically, when presenting a teaching about dying-to-self it would be presented in chronological order: starting with knowledge, continuing on to understanding, then arriving at wisdom.

Based on God’s Word, if we want to be wise about dying-to-self, as in approaching any subject in God’s word; wisdom is always coupled with behavior.

Therefore, we will also consider the fact that wisdom mandates action, so our ideological order will be knowledge, then wisdom, then understanding and action.

The reason I started this series is because of how the Holy Spirit has been working in my life in a special way.  

I have experienced a renewed commitment and zeal of the Spirit concerning my service to our Lord and Savior; in holiness producing love – “to love the Christian way.”



This move of the Spirit has created in me a desire to become more holy (“Separated unto God,” not merely separated from sin, many false religions sin less than most Christians) in my walk with Christ by addressing sin in my life, especially what is referred to as “small sins,” or “unintentional sins.”

So far this series has covered two of three parts:

For all have sinned

Part 1 – Knowledge – The Problem – Self and Sin
This examination concerns the knowledge necessary to regard the problem of self and sin.

Wisdom 3.

Part 2 – Wisdom – The Solution – From God’s Word
God’s word displays the wisdom that is necessary in order to gain the proper perspective, wherein we gain the correct attitude in learning how to die-to-self.

knowledge and application chart copyknowledge and application chart copy copy

This current article will consider…

Part 3 – Understanding and Application – Enabling Dying-To-Self
Understanding, which is in this case biblical perception, is enabled only by the Holy Spirit.  This gives us the opportunity to correctly discern the right application of how to specifically practice dying-to-self.

What to Understand
To date, I believe that there are at least three primary actions as found in God’s word which are tools to aid in facilitating dying-to-self.  They are:

1) Stop practicing sin – Seek God’s Will

2) Start humbling ourselves before men

3) Love others with Biblical love

How to Understand
Russell Kelfer was a very wise teacher that has gone on to be with the Lord.  He taught that understanding was much more than mere information, and even more than knowledge.


man humble
He stated that understanding was personalizing knowledge and therefore discerning in a different way based upon an unnatural perception, God’s perception rather than simple human intellectual assimilation.


As a believer, I have knowledge that according to God’s word I am a sinner by nature.

I also know that God has said to not bear false witness – to NOT lie.

When I personalize this understanding and admit that I have personally borne false witness – lied, only then can I take ownership of my lies, and start proclaiming the truth. 

The Holy Spirit facilitates this process.  My understanding that I have personally violated the law is a necessity that God mandates before I can gain biblical wisdom concerning lying. 

3 Elders Judging (Church Discipline)

The Pharisees lived very righteous lives, yet were foolish due to their lack of perspective concerning God’s Word and their own lack of personal application of the law which would enable them to be wise.  Refusing to personalize their own sinful nature, and take responsibility for the acts of sin in their lives, they became self-righteousness.  Self-righteousness is when a individual claims that they are right in their actions and therefore need no Redeemer.  

Pharisees Temple

Righteousness-in-self is seen in many churches these days, where believers acknowledge that Jesus died for their sins, yet they refuse to take ownership of this sinful behaviors in their life, claiming to be righteous in themselves because they walk in the spirit, or they walk in obedience to God’s word, some stating that the Holy Spirit gives them the ability to sin less. John Wesley himself taught this type of righteousness-in-self pride, which stands in stark contrast to Jesus’ words concerning the Pharisee and the publican when he stated:

And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” (Luke 18:9-14 ~ KJV)

It is this lack of subjective discernment that many believers, as well as Christian leaders who confess that they sin less than other Christians, displaying the mindset of a Pharisees as compared to the humble self contempt that the publican displayed. When it comes to religious leaders, many teach the word of God, but lack the ability to walk it out in their daily lives.

Remember Christ’s words as recorded in Matthew 23:1-3, which states:

“Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, Saying, ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.’”  (KJV)

Perhaps this explains why we seem to have so many intellectual idiots — smart people who do not make wise choices because they believe that information is only theoretical, and they have not personally put it into practice (Our current leadership?).

So if a person does not personalize the knowledge of what is right and does not seek God’s word or ask for His wisdom about what to do about it, they will not be able to move on to the action stage of application.  Knowledge and wisdom are wasted if you do not proceed to the application of what is wise, and do what is wise.

To reiterate, there are many people that know what is wise, displaying knowledge, but due to a lack of understanding how to personalize it and therefore do it, exhibit a lack of wisdom as seen in their behavior.

The world likes to separate wisdom and application as two separate components, implying or even blatantly teaching that you can be wise in your thoughts, yet make foolish choices and still be a wise person. 

The Bible does not allow for this interpretation.

Walk Circumspectly

A good example is Ephesians 5:15 (KJV), which sates:

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,  Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.  And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;  Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.”  (KJV)

Here we see wisdom necessitates behavior.

We also see understanding concerning knowing God’s Will, which has to do with us perceiving what God’s Word means.

Doer vs. Thinker

James 1:22 says:

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.” (KJV)

Here, James is addressing believers; making the point that unless they are doing what God’s word says, they are deceiving themselves. 

Here we see the connection between behavior and doing what God’s word says, displaying that without application, God’s word is not profitable.

Primary text
Let us consider the connection between wisdom and behavior as seen in our primary text.

Pick up your cross 3

Luke 9:23-25, which states:

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow meFor whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save itFor what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? (KJV)

The structure of this sentence in regard to the Greek grammar connects these two actions “let him deny himself,” and “take up his cross daily,” as referring to the very same thing (See part 1 of this series, under the heading: “One, Not Two” – link below).  They are two expressions of the same mental attitude that Christ is demanding for those who follow Him.


Pick up your cross 2.

Pick up YOUR Cross
The way that we deny ourselves is by picking up our cross daily.  Notice it is not Christ’s cross – which none of us could ever think of carrying: that of the sins of the world.

Many Christians misinterpreted this passage into believing that we are to suffer for Christ by picking up his cross, or even those understand the grammar in understand it’s not speaking about Jesus his cross but the followers cross, still misunderstand and think it is talking about choosing to suffer for Christ – this is a separate subject then and dying to self.


Suicide Vest
Is it Suffering
Suffering for Christ is not something that we attempt to do, it is what happens to us when persecution comes and we have a choice to make, to claim him before men and suffer, or to find a way out of it, again this is not the same as the daily subject of picking up our cross and dying to self.  Which is something that we do on a daily basis is not based upon persecution or events that occur in our lives, it is how we walk as Christ walked.

What does the Scripture say, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12), but that’s not what this text is talking about, not according to the Greek grammar, which declares that this is a daily activity that we choose to do, that we look for ways of putting self in its place.

No believer should ever seek out persecution, this is arrogant and proud, and is a sign of grandiosity.  Jesus never did this, if there was an opportunity to escape the people that were seeking to overpower him and make him king, he slipped away.  It was not until the fulfilled time of the prophecy concerning the cup that he must drink that he went and found the soldiers that were looking for him in a proactive manner, he did not seek death his prayer did not indicate so; most importantly though he sought to do the will of the Father.

Jesus nailed.

Jesus Picked up the Cross That He Was Meant to Bear
Christ did not die for His own sins, He died and bore the cross for you and me, and to think that we are supposed to carry that cross and help Him is blasphemous.  He completed that requirement 100% and does not need our help in this area, even if we could.

This passage in the Greek is in the imperative, which is a command.  We do not have a choice.

If we desire to follow Christ, we must deny ourselves by daily picking up our cross.

What is Christ speaking about concerning “our own cross”?  It is much more obvious than it seems.

.die to self

The Purpose of Our Cross
A cross was an instrument of death.  Christ is referring to doing those behaviors, with the proper mindset and attitude, which will deny self by putting one’s self to death.  Christ demands that we commit ourselves to these pragmatic behaviors, such behavors as:

1) Stop practicing sin – Seek God’s Will

2) Start humbling ourselves before men

3) Love others with Biblical love.


The Reason for this Series
If you are honest enough to deal with the patterns of sin in your life and arrest them, if you are courageous enough to seek to humble yourself with others, which is always an ongoing process, not a destination; and allow yourself to be led of God rather than your own flesh, it becomes much easier to address the third pragmatic choice. 

This choice can change your entire life (It is what changed John’s life, which is why he wrote more about love than anyone else, see the end of Footnote #1) it is love, the conclusion to this trilogy.
Love the Bible Way
Let’s start with the generic understanding of the word “love” as found in the verse that everyone knows, John 3:16, “it is a demonstration of God’s love,” when it says,

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  (KJV)

Of the multiple verbs in this passage, the primary verb is the word “gave,” indicating that love is giving as opposed to taking.  A few years later, the same writer writes in 1st John 3:16,

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”  (KJV)

We should notice three things from this passage.

First, it declares a deity of Jesus Christ referring to them as God, then stating he laid down his life for us.  The grammar demands that this is speaking of the same person.

Second, we see that love is displayed in Christ sacrificially placing us before himself, giving his life for us. 

Therefore, based upon the use of the word in the New Testament Greek, Biblical love is defined as sacrificially putting others first.  It is a choice, not an emotion.  Christ demanded for us to choose to sacrificially put others first before ourselves.  It is an action.  It is proactive, not reactive, it is giving not taking – it is sacrificial. 

Third, we are instructed to do the same thing for the brethren, to sacrificially put others before ourselves, this is what I mean by Biblical love, which we will examine further as we parse the Greek words translated into the English word “love,” below.  We will come back to: “and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”

Love American Style

Love American Style
If you remember the sitcom by that name that ran from 1969 to 1974, you remember that it defined love as romantic love, love that you felt as an emotion, love which is better defined as taking rather than giving, based upon conditions rather than unconditional, a love which is the polar opposite of Biblical love.

Don’t get me wrong I believe romantic love, which God built into us, is completely necessary. 

Romantic love is what you women fall into (One difference between romantic love and mature giving love is that it is something that you can fall into or fall out of, meaning that romantic love is conditional as compared to the unconditional love of giving to the other person, and putting them first), by which you allow yourself to put on those rose-colored glasses, and marry men, what you would never have done if you were saying at the time and fully understood what we are like in reality. 

Romantic love always places blinders on a person, and it is very emotional.  Fortunately for us men, that allows smart women to choose men the way we have for thousands of years and thus ensure the continuity of humanity.  Romantic love rarely lasts more than two years, and is meant to develop into real love, the kind of love that the Bible speaks about, of sacrificially putting others first.

In fact have you ever noticed that many of the things that you found to be cute, or darling, or attractive while you are dating; once you got married drove you insane!

Love - you are not beatful Love - you are not beatful - 2

When Giving Love Is Confused with Romantic Love
However, by misunderstanding that romantic love is the definition we apply to all love, problems are created that we deal with on a daily basis, such as: conditional acceptance, and self-centeredness.

Women understand giving love usually much easier than men because of the roles that they play within the family, where this giving love is referred to as “nurturing,” and considered to be a more feminine trait, though that is a misconception, as men are to nurture as well as women.

However, 21st century American understanding of love has to do with emotions, which causes the word love to be used so haphazardly.  No doubt cinema and television have reinforced this interpretation of love within a romantic setting, never taking the time to explain that there are diversities within love.

You can love your fiancé and feel deep emotions; or you can love your wife of 20 years who has sacrificially placed you first in her life; or you can love a Baby Ruth candy bar, or a baseball team, or your parents, or God.  Using the singular word love for all these diverse meanings creates havoc in expressing beliefs, behaviors and emotions within valid relationships.

It is common for our culture to think of love only as an emotional response to something else.

The world tries to tell us that love is a response, or a reaction. The Oxford dictionary defines that use of the prefix “re-” as “doing something in return or again.”  Examples of its use are the words react, reconsider, reshape, and repel.

This idea that love is a reaction, which means it is conditional.  It is based upon someone else says or does.  That kind of love is a fleeting and temporary emotion that you can fall into and fall out of.


The Greek Words for Love in the New Testament
In Classical Greek, there are four Greek words translated into the English word love, but in the koine Greek New Testament only two primary words are used: Phileo and Agapē.

The first, Phileo, has to do with a brotherly type of love (Very deep friendship), and the second, Agapē, which refers to a generic type of “to be strongly given over to – preferring it or a person over yourself.”

In our vernacular, it would mean holding something in great esteem, or giving something great importance. Even Agapē love can still be directed toward unworthy things.  (For example, the Pharisees felt agape love for having the utmost seats in the synagogue – see footnote #1)

Agapē (Noun) and agapaō (Verb) = God’s type of love, selfless love – “to be strongly given over to – preferring it or a person over yourself.”

Phileo (Noun) = Man’s type of love – “Tender affection, deep friendship, brotherly love type of friendship (We get the word Philadelphia from it, meaning: “City of brotherly love”).

Please see footnote #1 for further information concerning the four Greek words for love.

The noun, Agapē is a description of God, and the verb is a description of what Jesus commanded us to do. 

These two forms of the same word have nothing to do with the object of the love meeting or maintaining conditions and/or behaviors.  They are proactive words, not reactive words. Christ commanded for us to love people which is proactive, as the grammar presents.

Unfortunately, we often get this order backward.  We think that when we feel love for someone then we will be motivated to hold them in higher esteem than we do ourselves.  In reality, the emotion of love comes as the consequence of the love action, not the other way around.

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Understanding Biblical Love and Emotions
The emotional feeling of love is the fruit of having sacrificially put something before yourself.  Built into human nature is the fact that whenever we place someone or something before ourselves, an emotional attachment is built that will not waver. 

In the world this is called nurturing love, in an attempt to distinguish it from typical love.  Human nature is such that whenever we are invested in something, an emotional response is produced. 

For example, if you sacrificially put first the upkeep of a classic car before yourself or other things in your life, having spent a lot of money and time in its restoration, you will have an emotional attachment to it.
When Christ demands for us to love others (“But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you” ~ Luke 6:27 KJV), it is this nurturing type of love that He is speaking about wherein He commands a proactive choice.

Proactive 4 copyProactive 4 copy copy

We are to proactively place something before ourselves in a sacrificial manner, preferring it before ourselves.  This creates the blessing of an emotional attachment which is unconditional.

proactive-vs-reactive marrage

Proactive vs. Reactive
God’s love is based upon who He is and what He chooses to do. God in His essence is love. God is the Creator (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-5) and Sustainer (Colossians 1:17) of all things. He doesn’t need anything. Therefore He has no need to take anything.

John 3:16 tells us that God the Father gave the most precious thing there is, His Son.  And He is not giving His Son on the condition that the world would believe.  That would make His love conditional, as if we could trade faith for salvation.  A trade would imply that we earn salvation, but that is clearly disproven in Ephesians 2:8, which states:

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:  Not of works, lest any man should boast.”  (KJV) 

Faith is the vehicle by which we accept the free grace of God, His unmerited favor, wherein He also displayed His mercy of not receiving what we do deserve: which is hell and damnation.  This is all facilitated by God – unconditionally — to those with who would freely receive it, which necessitates the act of faith.

Ephesians 2.4-10

We need to read this passage very carefully understanding that it was “because of the great love with which he loved us” (v.4), that God saves us by His grace (v.8), yet “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” This is proactive, that we should walk and what he has prepared for us to do in him, those good works, understanding that the greatest works we can do is that of loving others sacrificially before ourselves. The greatest of these is… love.

Greater love has no man. copyGreater love has no man. copy copy

Now, back to: “and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”

The last sentence of 1st John 3:16 is part three of the pragmatic tools that we use to practice dying-to-self, the full passage states:

Hereby perceive we the love of God, because He laid down His life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” (KJV)

What we are to do as believers is seen in the last part of the verse, which should need much explanation when it states: and “we ought to lay down our lives for our bretheren.”


Jesus washing apostles feet - Big


Biblical Love; that of putting others sacrificially first before ourselves is not only a commandment of God, it is a pragmatic tool to enable us to die to self.  Self always wants to be on the throne of our lives, self wants to be master, King and sovereign.  Is best known as pride, therefore in attempting to put self to death on a daily basis, one of the most successful tools is to proactively choose to put others before ourselves.  To make conscious choices to love others and in the process follow God’s command and loving them.  It is like anything that is proactively to be practiced, it becomes easier with acclimatization.

It has been said that if you take first Corinthians chapter 13, and take the word “love” out and replace it with “Jesus,” this passage would be just as trustworthy.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”   (1 Corinthians 13:1-13 ~ KJV)

The King James Version uses the word “charity,” which is actually much more fitting than our English word love – because it expresses giving.  Try it yourself.

10 ways to love

To conclude, dying-to-self mandates that we pick up our cross daily, using instruments that aid us in putting self to death.  These three instruments are very effective.

1) Stop practicing sin – Seek God’s Will

2) Start humbling ourselves before men

3) Love others with Biblical love.

In light of these three ways of practicing dying-to-self, please consider the following Scriptures:

Philippians 2:1-11, which states:

If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.  Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.  Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.  Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”  (KJV)

Romans 12:1-3

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.”  (KJV)

1 Peter 5:1-11

The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, Who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. To Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.”  (KJV)

Romans 15:1-7

We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbour for his good to edification. For even Christ pleased not Himself; but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee fell on me. For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus: That ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.”  (KJV)

John 12:24-26

Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.  He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal.  If any man serve Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall also My servant be: if any man serve Me, him will my Father honour.”  (KJV)

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Last Words – Christian Psychology
One practical tool that I have been using for a while in order to facilitate individual behaviors of sacrificially putting others first, meaning to love them is by promoting and living out in my own life Gary Chapman’s teaching concerning “The Five Love Languages.” I am a licensed and certified mental health chemical dependency professional, who specializes in the criminal justice system, and who only uses the Scripture taken in context as his rule and mandate. So I am very hesitant to ever suggest seeking the counsel of persons like Mr. Chapman, who is commonly referred to as a Christian Psychologist. Mainly because almost all Christian Psychologists that I have encountered utilize psychological methods and teachings, and then throw in a few Scriptures which they utilize as props to rationalize the psychology tools and principles that they promote. Most are steeped in Carl Rogers’ “client-centered” therapy method, which condones the counselor being free to suggest divorce or other unbiblical pursuits. As a counselor of the Word of God, we are to be Christ-centered, not client- or person-centered. The Bible is our guide, not psychology.

However, there is a difference between utilizing psychology methods, tools and practices, and simply giving credit to observations that are made in the field of psychology. The simple observation and reporting done by certain clinicians and therapist have presented helpful insights into human nature, which are not based upon psychological methods or presuppositions in nature, things that are a part of the human psyche, which have been around since the Fall in the Garden of Eden, and exhibit the reality of truth. Psychologists present these observations and have gained great credibility in the process, even though it is only based upon observation and not psychology.

Certain of these observations are what my grandfather used to call wise insights, or common sense.

Examples of these helpful insights are Kevin Leman’sBirth Order and Personality,” recorded in a book by the same name. James Lehman’s program concerning childrearing, referred to as “Total Transformation” is based upon these insights concerning human nature as well. I also believe that Gary Chapman’s observations and insights regarding what is referred to as the “The Five Love Languages” are another beneficial tool concerning human relationships.

I believe that “The Five Love Languages” is a superb resource to present practical ways of displaying love by putting others first. It reminds us that love was never meant to be used as a tool of manipulation to receive love back from others. Mr. Chapman encourages specific methods of communicating love to others that is focused on the other person, in a way that directly illustrates the kind of sacrificial love that Jesus Christ commanded that we give one to another as seen in 1st John 3:16.





Greek words which are translated in the English word “love”:

Agapē (Noun) and agapaō (Verb) = God’s type of love, selfless love – “to be strongly given over to”

Phileo (Noun) = Man’s type of love – “Tender affection, deep friendship, brotherly love type of friendship” (We get the word Philadelphia from it, meaning: “City of brotherly love”)

Éros (Noun & verb forms) = Sexual passion – “lust and desire, sensual, romantic, physical attraction” (Never used in the Bible, though different forms exist, such as: “lust,” [Grk. Epithumeo], as in 1 John 2:16.  We get our word “erotic” from this word)

Storge = Natural, family type of love – “Innate affection especially of parents and children” (Never used directly in the Bible in its noun or verb form, either. It does occur in Romans 1:31 and 2 Timothy 3:3 in its negative form astorgos referring to unloving.)

Therefore, from this point forward we will only deal with Agapē, agapaō, and Phileo. 

Directional Verbs (“Actions, behaviors, which are based upon choices”)


Between agapaō and phile, agapaō is by far the more common term in the New Testament. It is used to describe the Father’s love for the Son (Jn. 17:24), and the Son’s love towards man (Jn. 15:9). It is used to describe man’s loving response to God (1 Pet. 1:8) and Christian “one another” love modeled upon God’s love for men (Jn. 13:34-35).


Phileo is normally used to discuss friendship (Jn. 11:3, 11:36, 20:2, 21:15-17, Tit. 3:15), and God’s feeling of friendship towards men (Jn. 5:20, 16:27, Rev. 3:19). It is also used to denote the kiss of greeting (Mt. 26:48, Mk. 14:44, Lk. 22:47). In a moral sense, phileo is often used to describe both good and bad inner desires (Mt. 6:5, 10:37, 23:6, Lk. 20:46, Jn. 12:25, 15:19, 1 Cor. 16:22, Rev. 22:15).


Nouns (“A word that is the name of something [such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action] and is typically used in a sentence as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition” – see footnote #2)

There are two primary displays of the noun agapē, one as a definition of love, meaning: “to be strongly given over to or preferred. 

And the other is seen when the definite article (“The”) is used referring to an event, the love feast as they called it where the Christians met together, shared the Lord’s Supper, ate together and worshipped together.

There are many noun cognates of phileo. Luke is fond of using “philos(friend), e.g. Lk 11:5. Jesus was known as a friend of drunkards, and he considered the apostles as his friends (Mt. 11:19, Lk. 7:34, Jn. 15:13-15). The early church used the term “brotherly love” to denote the closeness of relationships in the church (Rom. 12:10, 1 Th. 4:9, Heb. 13:1, 1 Pet. 1:22, 3:8, 2 Pet. 1:7).

Several English terms are transliterations of Greek words. For example, our English term “philanthropy” means lover of mankind (Acts 28:2, Tit. 3:4). Our English term “philosophy” means lover of wisdom (Acts 17:18, Col. 2:8). Our English word “hospitality” could also be translated as “lover of aliens” (Acts 28:7, Rom. 12:13, 1 Ti. 3:2, Tit. 1:8, 1 Pet. 4:9, Heb. 13:2).  The city “Philadelphia” means city of brotherly love.

In keeping with the theme of inner desires, the noun cognates of phileo also are used for good inner desires (Rom. 15:20, 2 Cor. 5:9, 1 Th. 4:11, Tit. 2:4) and bad inner desires (Lk. 16:14, 22:24, 1 Cor. 11:16, 1 Tim. 6:10, 2 Tim. 3:2, 3:4, James 4:4, 3 Jn 1:9).

Now let us focus our attention on God’s type of love as found in the verb and noun form, agapaō and agapē.


These two forms of the word for Godly love, in the noun and verb, are words seldom found in these exact forms and Greek literature prior to the New Testament, with the exception of the Septuagint; the Greek translation of the Old Testament translated a few centuries before Christ. 


Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words”, states concerning the verb form:

Noun – “agapaō and the corresponding noun agapē present the characteristic word for Christianity and since the spirit of revelation has used it to express ideas previously unknown, inquiry into its use, whether in Greek literature or in the Septuagint, throws but little light upon its distinctive meaning in the New Testament Cf., however, (Leviticus 19:18; Deuteronomy 6:5.”


Both – “Agapē and agapaō are used in the New Testament (a) to describe the attitude of God towards his son, John 17:26; the human race, generally, John 316; Romans 5:8; and too such as believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, particularly, John 14:21; (b) to convey his will to his children concerning their attitude towards one another, John 13:34, and towards all men, 1 Thessalonians 3:12; 1 Corinthians 16:14; 2 Peter 1:7; (c) to express the essential nature of God, 1 John 4:8”


“Love can be known only from the actions it prompts. God’s love is seen in the gift of his son (1 John 4:9-10).  But obviously this is not the love of complacency or affection, that is, it was not drawn out by any excellency in its objects (Romans 5:8).  It was an exercise of the divine will and deliberate choice, made without assignable cause which lies in the nature of God Himself (Deuteronomy 7:7-8).” 


“Love had its perfect expression among men in the Lord Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:14; Ephesians 2:4’s MI: 3:19; 5:2; Christian love is the fruit of His Spirit in the Christian, Galatians 5:22.  Christian love has God for its primary object, and expresses itself first of all in implicit obedience to His commandments, John 14:15, 21, 23; 15:10; 1 John 2:5; 5:3; 2 John six. Self-will, that is, self-pleasing is the negation of love to God.”


“Christian love, whether exercised towards the brotheren, or towards men generally, is not an impulse from the feeling, it does not always run with the natural inclinations, nor does it spend itself only upon those for whom some affinity is discovered.  Love seeks the welfare of all, Romans 15:2, and works no ill towards any, 13:8-10; love seeks opportunity to do good to all men, and especially towards them that are of the household of faith, Galatians 6:10.  See further 1 Corinthians 13 and Corinthians 3:12-14”


Verb – “In respect of agapaō as used of God, it expresses the deep inconsistent “love” and interest of a perfect Being towards entirely unworthy objects, producing and fostering a reverential “love” in them towards the giver, and a practical “love” towards those who are partakers of the same, and a deep desire to help others to seek the Giver.”


(Strong’s numbering system G26) a noun, literally meaning: “Selfless”to be strongly given over to or preferred,” used for love itself – It can be a definition of God, when used WITHOUT the definite article (“The”), or referring to God specifically.

Or it can used with the definite article (“The”) when used referring to an event, the love feast as they called it where the Christians met together, sharing the Lord’s Supper, ate together and worshipped together.

(Strong’s numbering system G25) a verb (An act or behavior)Selfless”to be strongly given over to or preferred,” though it can also be used of evil things, “…Pharisees for they love (agapaō) the uppermost seats in the synagogues…” ~ see Luke 11:43; John 3:19; John 12:43; 2 Timothy 4:10; 2 Peter 2:15; 2 John 2:15.  Also see Footnote #1 below which list them with the Strong’s numbering system to prove their use as G25.

Holman’s Bible Dictionary
: Love
unselfish, loyal, and benevolent”

“Translated into the English word “love” in many of the newer translations, and “charity” in the King James translation.  The word charity means “dearness,” “affection,” or “high regard.”  Today the word charity normally is used for acts of benevolence, so the word love is to be preferred as a translation of agapē.   Nevertheless, the reader who comes to the agapē of the New Testament with the idea of benevolence in mind is better off than the reader who comes with the idea of physical pleasure and satisfaction” [commonly understood in our current culture as manifestations of love].

                  The following are Scriptures (Taken from e-Sword, the KJV+Tense, Voice, Mood Bible version) utilizing agapaō, the verb form of love as an action.

eSword TVM

Mat_5:43  Ye have heardG191 thatG3754 it hath been said,G4483 Thou shalt loveG25 thyG4675 neighbour,G4139 andG2532 hateG3404 thineG4675 enemy.G2190

Mat_5:44  ButG1161 IG1473 sayG3004 unto you,G5213 LoveG25 yourG5216 enemies,G2190 blessG2127 them that curseG2672 you,G5209 doG4160 goodG2573 to them that hateG3404 you,G5209 andG2532 prayG4336 forG5228 them which despitefully useG1908 you,G5209 andG2532 persecuteG1377 you;G5209

Mat_5:46  ForG1063 ifG1437 ye loveG25 them which loveG25 you,G5209 whatG5101 rewardG3408 haveG2192 ye? doG4160 notG3780 evenG2532 theG3588 publicansG5057 theG3588 same?G846

Mat_6:24  No manG3762 canG1410 serveG1398 twoG1417 masters:G2962 forG1063 eitherG2228 he will hateG3404 theG3588 one,G1520 andG2532 loveG25 theG3588 other;G2087 orG2228 else he will holdG472 to the one,G1520 andG2532 despiseG2706 theG3588 other.G2087 Ye cannotG1410 G3756 serveG1398 GodG2316 andG2532 mammon.G3126

Mat_19:19  HonourG5091 thyG4675 fatherG3962 andG2532 thy mother: and,G3384 Thou shalt loveG25 thyG4675 neighbourG4139 asG5613 thyself.G4572

Mat_22:37  (G1161) JesusG2424 saidG2036 unto him,G846 Thou shalt loveG25 the LordG2962 thyG4675 GodG2316 withG1722 allG3650 thyG4675 heart,G2588 andG2532 withG1722 allG3650 thyG4675 soul,G5590 andG2532 withG1722 allG3650 thyG4675 mind.G1271

Mat_22:39  AndG1161 the secondG1208 is like untoG3664 it,G846 Thou shalt loveG25 thyG4675 neighbourG4139 asG5613 thyself.G4572

Mar_10:21  ThenG1161 JesusG2424 beholdingG1689 himG846 lovedG25 him,G846 andG2532 saidG2036 unto him,G846 One thingG1520 thouG4671 lackest:G5302 go thy way,G5217 sellG4453 whatsoeverG3745 thou hast,G2192 andG2532 giveG1325 to theG3588 poor,G4434 andG2532 thou shalt haveG2192 treasureG2344 inG1722 heaven:G3772 andG2532 come,G1204 take upG142 theG3588 cross,G4716 and followG190 me.G3427

Mar_12:30  AndG2532 thou shalt loveG25 the LordG2962 thyG4675 GodG2316 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 heart,G2588 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 soul,G5590 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 mind,G1271 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 strength:G2479 thisG3778 is the firstG4413 commandment.G1785

Mar_12:31  AndG2532 the secondG1208 is like,G3664 namely this,G3778 Thou shalt loveG25 thyG4675 neighbourG4139 asG5613 thyself.G4572 There isG2076 noneG3756 otherG243 commandmentG1785 greaterG3187 than these.G5130

Mar_12:33  AndG2532 to loveG25 himG846 withG1537 allG3650 theG3588 heart,G2588 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 theG3588 understanding,G4907 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 theG3588 soul,G5590 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 theG3588 strength,G2479 andG2532 to loveG25 his neighbourG4139 asG5613 himself,G1438 isG2076 moreG4119 than allG3956 whole burnt offeringsG3646 andG2532 sacrifices.G2378

Luk_6:27  ButG235 I sayG3004 unto youG5213 which hear,G191 LoveG25 yourG5216 enemies,G2190 doG4160 goodG2573 to them which hateG3404 you,G5209

Luk_6:32  ForG2532 ifG1487 ye loveG25 them which loveG25 you,G5209 whatG4169 thankG5485 haveG2076 ye?G5213 forG1063 sinnersG268 alsoG2532 loveG25 those that loveG25 them.G846

Luk_6:35  ButG4133 loveG25 ye yourG5216 enemies,G2190 andG2532 do good,G15 andG2532 lend,G1155 hoping for nothing again;G560 G3367 andG2532 yourG5216 rewardG3408 shall beG2071 great,G4183 andG2532 ye shall beG2071 the childrenG5207 of theG3588 Highest:G5310 forG3754 heG846 isG2076 kindG5543 untoG1909 theG3588 unthankfulG884 andG2532 to the evil.G4190

Luk_7:5  ForG1063 he lovethG25 ourG2257 nation,G1484 andG2532 heG846 hath builtG3618 usG2254 a synagogue.G4864

Luk_7:42  AndG1161 when theyG846 hadG2192 nothingG3361 to pay,G591 he frankly forgaveG5483 them both.G297 TellG2036 me therefore,G3767 whichG5101 of themG846 will loveG25 himG846 most?G4119

Luk_7:47  WhereforeG5484 G3739 I sayG3004 unto thee,G5213 HerG846 sins,G266 which are many,G4183 are forgiven;G863 forG3754 she lovedG25 much:G4183 butG1161 to whomG3739 littleG3641 is forgiven,G863 the same lovethG25 little.G3641

Luk_10:27  AndG1161 heG3588 answeringG611 said,G2036 Thou shalt loveG25 the LordG2962 thyG4675 GodG2316 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 heart,G2588 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 soul,G5590 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 strength,G2479 andG2532 withG1537 allG3650 thyG4675 mind;G1271 andG2532 thyG4675 neighbourG4139 asG5613 thyself.G4572

Luk_11:43  WoeG3759 unto you,G5213 Pharisees!G5330 forG3754 ye loveG25 theG3588 uppermost seatsG4410 inG1722 theG3588 synagogues,G4864 andG2532 greetingsG783 inG1722 theG3588 markets.G58

Luk_16:13  NoG3762 servantG3610 canG1410 serveG1398 twoG1417 masters:G2962 forG1063 eitherG2228 he will hateG3404 theG3588 one,G1520 andG2532 loveG25 theG3588 other;G2087 or elseG2228 he will hold toG472 the one,G1520 andG2532 despiseG2706 theG3588 other.G2087 Ye cannotG1410 G3756 serveG1398 GodG2316 andG2532 mammon.G3126

Joh_3:16  ForG1063 GodG2316 soG3779 lovedG25 theG3588 world,G2889 thatG5620 he gaveG1325 hisG848 only begottenG3439 Son,G5207 thatG2443 whosoeverG3956 believethG4100 inG1519 himG846 should notG3361 perish,G622 butG235 haveG2192 everlastingG166 life.G2222

Joh_3:19  AndG1161 thisG3778 isG2076 theG3588 condemnation,G2920 thatG3754 lightG5457 is comeG2064 intoG1519 theG3588 world,G2889 andG2532 menG444 lovedG25 darknessG4655 ratherG3123 thanG2228 light,G5457 becauseG1063 theirG846 deedsG2041 wereG2258 evil.G4190

Joh_3:35  TheG3588 FatherG3962 lovethG25 theG3588 Son,G5207 andG2532 hath givenG1325 all thingsG3956 intoG1722 hisG846 hand.G5495

Joh_8:42  JesusG2424 saidG2036 unto them,G846 IfG1487 GodG2316 wereG2258 yourG5216 Father,G3962 ye would loveG25 G302 me:G1691 forG1063 IG1473 proceeded forthG1831 andG2532 cameG2240 fromG1537 God;G2316(G1063) neitherG3761 cameG2064 I ofG575 myself,G1683 butG235 heG1565 sentG649 me.G3165

Joh_10:17  ThereforeG1223 G5124 doth my FatherG3962 loveG25 me,G3165 becauseG3754 IG1473 lay downG5087 myG3450 life,G5590 thatG2443 I might takeG2983 itG846 again.G3825

Joh_11:5  NowG1161 JesusG2424 lovedG25 Martha,G3136 andG2532 herG846 sister,G79 andG2532 Lazarus.G2976

Joh_12:43  ForG1063 they lovedG25 theG3588 praiseG1391 of menG444 moreG3123 thanG2260 theG3588 praiseG1391 of God.G2316

Joh_13:1  NowG1161 beforeG4253 theG3588 feastG1859 of theG3588 passover,G3957 when JesusG2424 knewG1492 thatG3754 hisG846 hourG5610 was comeG2064 thatG2443 he should departG3327 out ofG1537 thisG5127 worldG2889 untoG4314 theG3588 Father,G3962 having lovedG25 his ownG2398 whichG3588 were inG1722 theG3588 world,G2889 he lovedG25 themG846 untoG1519 the end.G5056

Joh_13:23  NowG1161 there wasG2258 leaningG345 onG1722 Jesus’G2424 bosomG2859 oneG1520 ofG1537 hisG846 disciples,G3101 whomG3739 JesusG2424 loved.G25

Joh_13:34  A newG2537 commandmentG1785 I giveG1325 unto you,G5213 ThatG2443 ye loveG25 one another;G240 asG2531 I have lovedG25 you,G5209 thatG2443 yeG5210 alsoG2532 loveG25 one another.G240

Joh_14:15  IfG1437 ye loveG25 me,G3165 keepG5083 myG1699 commandments.G1785

Joh_14:21  He that hathG2192 myG3450 commandments,G1785 andG2532 keepethG5083 them,G846 heG1565 it isG2076 that lovethG25 me:G3165 andG1161 he that lovethG25 meG3165 shall be lovedG25 ofG5259 myG3450 Father,G3962 andG2532 IG1473 will loveG25 him,G846 andG2532 will manifestG1718 myselfG1683 to him.G846

Joh_14:23  JesusG2424 answeredG611 andG2532 saidG2036 unto him,G846 IfG1437 a manG5100 loveG25 me,G3165 he will keepG5083 myG3450 words:G3056 andG2532 myG3450 FatherG3962 will loveG25 him,G846 andG2532 we will comeG2064 untoG4314 him,G846 andG2532 makeG4160 our abodeG3438 withG3844 him.G846

Joh_14:24  He that lovethG25 meG3165 notG3361 keepethG5083 notG3756 myG3450 sayings:G3056 andG2532 theG3588 wordG3056 whichG3739 ye hearG191 isG2076 notG3756 mine,G1699 butG235 the Father’sG3962 which sentG3992 me.G3165

Joh_14:28  Ye have heardG191 howG3754 IG1473 saidG2036 unto you,G5213 I go away,G5217 andG2532 comeG2064 again untoG4314 you.G5209 IfG1487 ye lovedG25 me,G3165 ye would rejoice,G5463 G302 becauseG3754 I said,G2036 I goG4198 untoG4314 theG3588 Father:G3962 forG3754 myG3450 FatherG3962 isG2076 greaterG3187 than I.G3450

Joh_14:31  ButG235 thatG2443 theG3588 worldG2889 may knowG1097 thatG3754 I loveG25 theG3588 Father;G3962 andG2532 asG2531 theG3588 FatherG3962 gave me commandment,G1781 G3427 even soG3779 I do.G4160 Arise,G1453 let us goG71 hence.G1782

Joh_15:9  AsG2531 theG3588 Father hathG3962 lovedG25 me,G3165 so have I lovedG2504 G25 you:G5209 continueG3306 ye inG1722 myG1699 love.G26

Joh_15:12  ThisG3778 isG2076 myG1699 commandment,G1785 ThatG2443 ye loveG25 one another,G240 asG2531 I have lovedG25 you.G5209

Joh_15:17  These thingsG5023 I commandG1781 you,G5213 thatG2443 ye loveG25 one another.G240

Joh_17:23  IG1473 inG1722 them,G846 andG2532 thouG4771 inG1722 me,G1698 thatG2443 they may beG5600 made perfectG5048 inG1519 one;G1520 andG2532 thatG2443 theG3588 worldG2889 may knowG1097 thatG3754 thouG4771 hast sentG649 me,G3165 andG2532 hast lovedG25 them,G846 asG2531 thou hast lovedG25 me.G1691

Joh_17:24  Father,G3962 I willG2309 thatG2443 they also,G2548 whomG3739 thou hast givenG1325 me,G3427 beG5600 withG3326 meG1700 whereG3699 IG1473 am;G1510 thatG2443 they may beholdG2334 myG1699 glory,G1391 whichG3739 thou hast givenG1325 me:G3427 forG3754 thou lovedstG25 meG3165 beforeG4253 the foundationG2602 of the world.G2889

Joh_17:26  AndG2532 I have declaredG1107 unto themG846 thyG4675 name,G3686 andG2532 will declareG1107 it: thatG2443 theG3588 loveG26 wherewithG3739 thou hast lovedG25 meG3165 may beG5600 inG1722 them,G846 and IG2504 inG1722 them.G846

Joh_19:26  When JesusG2424 thereforeG3767 sawG1492 his mother,G3384 andG2532 theG3588 discipleG3101 standing by,G3936 whomG3739 he loved,G25 he saithG3004 unto hisG848 mother,G3384 Woman,G1135 beholdG2400 thyG4675 son!G5207

Joh_21:7  ThereforeG3767 thatG1565 discipleG3101 whomG3739 JesusG2424 lovedG25 saithG3004 unto Peter,G4074 It isG2076 theG3588 Lord.G2962 NowG3767 when SimonG4613 PeterG4074 heardG191 thatG3754 it wasG2076 theG3588 Lord,G2962 he girtG1241 his fisher’s coatG1903 unto him, (forG1063 he wasG2258 naked,)G1131 andG2532 did castG906 himselfG1438 intoG1519 theG3588 sea.G2281

Peter’ not known it years ago s reinstatement back into the ministry after denying Christ

John_21:15  SoG3767 whenG3753 they had dined,G709 JesusG2424 saithG3004 to SimonG4613 Peter,G4074 Simon,G4613 son of Jonas,G2495 lovestG25 thou meG3165 moreG4119 than these? HeG5130 saithG3004 unto him,G846 Yea,G3483 Lord;G2962 thouG4771 knowestG1492 thatG3754 I loveG5368 thee.G4571 He saithG3004 unto him,G846 FeedG1006 myG3450 lambs.G721

Joh_21:16  He saithG3004 to himG846 againG3825 the second time,G1208 Simon,G4613 son of Jonas,G2495 lovestG25 thou me? HeG3165 saithG3004 unto him,G846 Yea,G3483 Lord;G2962 thouG4771 knowestG1492 thatG3754 I loveG5368 thee.G4571 He saithG3004 unto him,G846 FeedG4165 myG3450 sheep.G4263

Joh 21:17  He saithG3004 unto himG846 theG3588 third time,G5154 Simon,G4613 son of Jonas,G2495 lovestG5368 thou me?G3165 PeterG4074 was grievedG3076 becauseG3754 he saidG2036 unto himG846 theG3588 third time,G5154 LovestG5368 thou me?G3165 AndG2532 he saidG2036 unto him,G846 Lord,G2962 thouG4771 knowestG1492 all things;G3956 thouG4771 knowestG1097 thatG3754 I loveG5368 thee.G4571 JesusG2424 saithG3004 unto him,G846 FeedG1006 myG3450 sheep.G4263

Joh_21:20  ThenG1161 Peter,G4074 turning about,G1994 seethG991 theG3588 discipleG3101 whomG3739 JesusG2424 lovedG25 following;G190 whichG3739 alsoG2532 leanedG377 onG1909 hisG846 breastG4738 atG1722 supper,G1173 andG2532 said,G2036 Lord,G2962 whichG5101 isG2076 he that betrayethG3860 thee?G4571

Rom_8:28  AndG1161 we knowG1492 thatG3754 all thingsG3956 work togetherG4903 forG1519 goodG18 to them that loveG25 God,G2316 to them who areG5607 theG3588 calledG2822 accordingG2596 to his purpose.G4286

Rom_8:37  Nay,G235 inG1722 allG3956 these thingsG5125 we are more than conquerorsG5245 throughG1223 him that lovedG25 us.G2248

Rom_9:13  AsG2531 it is written,G1125 JacobG2384 have I loved,G25 butG1161 EsauG2269 have I hated.G3404

Rom_9:25  AsG5613 he saithG3004 alsoG2532 inG1722 Osee,G5617 I will callG2564 them myG3450 people,G2992 whichG3588 were notG3756 myG3450 people;G2992 andG2532 her beloved,G25 which was not beloved.G25 G3756

Rom_13:8  OweG3784 no manG3367 any thing,G3367 butG1508 to loveG25 one another:G240 forG1063 he that lovethG25 anotherG2087 hath fulfilledG4137 the law.G3551

Rom_13:9  ForG1063 this,G3588 Thou shalt notG3756 commit adultery,G3431 Thou shalt notG3756 kill,G5407 Thou shalt notG3756 steal,G2813 Thou shalt notG3756 bear false witness,G5576 Thou shalt notG3756 covet;G1937 andG2532 if there be anyG1536 otherG2087 commandment,G1785 it is briefly comprehendedG346 inG1722 thisG5129 saying,G3056 namely,G1722 G3588 Thou shalt loveG25 thyG4675 neighbourG4139 asG5613 thyself.G1438

1Co_2:9  ButG235 asG2531 it is written,G1125 (G3739) EyeG3788 hath notG3756 seen,G1492 norG3756 earG3775 heard,G191 neitherG2532 G3756 have enteredG305 intoG1909 the heartG2588 of man,G444 the things whichG3739 GodG2316 hath preparedG2090 for them that loveG25 him.G846

1Co_8:3  ButG1161 ifG1487 any manG5100 loveG25 God,G2316 the sameG3778 is knownG1097 ofG5259 him.G846

2Co_9:7  Every manG1538 according asG2531 he purposethG4255 in his heart,G2588 so let him give; notG3361 grudgingly,G1537 G3077 orG2228 ofG1537 necessity:G318 forG1063 GodG2316 lovethG25 a cheerfulG2431 giver.G1395

2Co_11:11  Wherefore?G1302 becauseG3754 I loveG25 youG5209 not?G3756 GodG2316 knoweth.G1492

2Co_12:15  AndG1161 IG1473 will very gladlyG2236 spendG1159 andG2532 be spentG1550 forG5228 you;G5216 thoughG1499 the more abundantlyG4056 I loveG25 you,G5209 the lessG2276 I be loved.G25

Gal_2:20  I am crucified withG4957 Christ:G5547 neverthelessG1161 I live;G2198 yet notG3765 I,G1473 butG1161 ChristG5547 livethG2198 inG1722 me:G1698 andG1161 the life whichG3739 I nowG3568 liveG2198 inG1722 the fleshG4561 I liveG2198 byG1722 the faithG4102 of(G3588) theG3588 SonG5207 of God,G2316 who lovedG25 me,G3165 andG2532 gaveG3860 himselfG1438 forG5228 me.G1700

Gal_5:14  ForG1063 allG3956 the lawG3551 is fulfilledG4137 inG1722 oneG1520 word,G3056 even inG1722 this;G3588 Thou shalt loveG25 thyG4675 neighbourG4139 asG5613 thyself.G1438

Eph_1:6  ToG1519 the praiseG1868 of the gloryG1391 of hisG848 grace,G5485 whereinG1722 G3739 he hath made us acceptedG5487 G2248 inG1722 theG3588 beloved.G25

Eph_2:4  ButG1161 God,G2316 who isG5607 richG4145 inG1722 mercy,G1656 forG1223 hisG848 greatG4183 loveG26 wherewithG3739 he lovedG25 us,G2248

Eph_5:2  AndG2532 walkG4043 inG1722 love,G26 asG2531 ChristG5547 alsoG2532 hath lovedG25 us,G2248 andG2532 hath givenG3860 himselfG1438 forG5228 usG2257 an offeringG4376 andG2532 a sacrificeG2378 to GodG2316 forG1519 a sweetsmellingG2175 savour.G3744

Eph_5:25  Husbands,G435 loveG25 yourG1438 wives,G1135 even asG2531 ChristG5547 alsoG2532 lovedG25 theG3588 church,G1577 andG2532 gaveG3860 himselfG1438 forG5228 it;G846

Eph_5:28  SoG3779 oughtG3784 menG435 to loveG25 theirG1438 wivesG1135 asG5613 their ownG1438 bodies.G4983 He that lovethG25 hisG1438 wifeG1135 lovethG25 himself.G1438

Eph_5:33  NeverthelessG4133 let every oneG1538 of youG5210(G2532) in particularG2596 G1520 soG3779 loveG25 hisG1438 wifeG1135 even asG5613 himself;G1438 andG1161 theG3588 wifeG1135 see thatG2443 she reverenceG5399 her husband.G435

Eph_6:24  GraceG5485 be withG3326 allG3956 them that loveG25 ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547 inG1722 sincerity.G861 Amen.G281

Col_3:12  Put onG1746 therefore,G3767 asG5613 the electG1588 of God,G2316 holyG40 andG2532 beloved,G25 bowelsG4698 of mercies,G3628 kindness,G5544 humbleness of mind,G5012 meekness,G4236 longsuffering;G3115

Col_3:19  Husbands,G435 loveG25 your wives,G1135 andG2532 be not bitterG4087 G3361 againstG4314 them.G846

1Th_1:4  Knowing,G1492 brethrenG80 beloved,G25 yourG5216 electionG1589 ofG5259 God.G2316

1Th_4:9  ButG1161 as touchingG4012 brotherly loveG5360 ye needG2192 G5532 notG3756 that I writeG1125 unto you:G5213 forG1063 yeG5210 yourselvesG846 areG2075 taught of GodG2312 toG1519 loveG25 one another.G240

2Th_2:13  ButG1161 weG2249 are boundG3784 to give thanksG2168 alwayG3842 to GodG2316 forG4012 you,G5216 brethrenG80 belovedG25 ofG5259 the Lord,G2962 becauseG3754 GodG2316 hath fromG575 the beginningG746 chosenG138 youG5209 toG1519 salvationG4991 throughG1722 sanctificationG38 of the SpiritG4151 andG2532 beliefG4102 of the truth:G225

2Th_2:16  NowG1161 ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 ChristG5547 himself,G846 andG2532 God,G2316 evenG2532 ourG2257 Father,G3962 which hath lovedG25 us,G2248 andG2532 hath givenG1325 us everlastingG166 consolationG3874 andG2532 goodG18 hopeG1680 throughG1722 grace,G5485

2Ti_4:8  HenceforthG3063 there is laid upG606 for meG3427 a crownG4735 of righteousness,G1343 whichG3739 theG3588 Lord,G2962 theG3588 righteousG1342 judge,G2923 shall giveG591 meG3427 atG1722 thatG1565 day:G2250 andG1161 notG3756 to meG1698 only,G3440 butG235 unto allG3956 them also that loveG25 G2532 hisG846 appearing.G2015

2Ti_4:10  ForG1063 DemasG1214 hath forsakenG1459 me,G3165 having lovedG25 this presentG3568 world,G165 andG2532 is departedG4198 untoG1519 Thessalonica;G2332 CrescensG2913 toG1519 Galatia,G1053 TitusG5103 untoG1519 Dalmatia.G1149

Heb_1:9  Thou hast lovedG25 righteousness,G1343 andG2532 hatedG3404 iniquity;G458 thereforeG1223 G5124 God,G2316 even thyG4675 God,G2316 hath anointedG5548 theeG4571 with the oilG1637 of gladnessG20 aboveG3844 thyG4675 fellows.G3353

Heb_12:6  ForG1063 whomG3739 the LordG2962 lovethG25 he chasteneth,G3811 andG1161 scourgethG3146 everyG3956 sonG5207 whomG3739 he receiveth.G3858

Jas_1:12  BlessedG3107 is the manG435 thatG3739 endurethG5278 temptation:G3986 forG3754 when he isG1096 tried,G1384 he shall receiveG2983 theG3588 crownG4735 of life,G2222 whichG3739 theG3588 LordG2962 hath promisedG1861 to them that loveG25 him.G846

Jas_2:5  Hearken,G191 myG3450 belovedG27 brethren,G80 Hath notG3756 GodG2316 chosenG1586 theG3588 poorG4434 of thisG5127 worldG2889 richG4145 inG1722 faith,G4102 andG2532 heirsG2818 of theG3588 kingdomG932 whichG3739 he hath promisedG1861 to them that loveG25 him?G846

Jas_2:8  IfG1487 ye(G3305) fulfilG5055 the royalG937 lawG3551 accordingG2596 to theG3588 scripture,G1124 Thou shalt loveG25 thyG4675 neighbourG4139 asG5613 thyself,G4572 ye doG4160 well:G2573

1Pe_1:8  WhomG3739 having notG3756 seen,G1492 ye love;G25 inG1519 whom,G3739 though nowG737 ye seeG3708 him not,G3361 yetG1161 believing,G4100 ye rejoiceG21 with joyG5479 unspeakableG412 andG2532 full of glory:G1392

1Pe_1:22  Seeing ye have purifiedG48 yourG5216 soulsG5590 inG1722 obeyingG5218 theG3588 truthG225 throughG1223 the SpiritG4151 untoG1519 unfeignedG505 love of the brethren,G5360 see that ye loveG25 one anotherG240 withG1537 a pureG2513 heartG2588 fervently:G1619

1Pe_2:17  HonourG5091 allG3956 men. LoveG25 theG3588 brotherhood.G81 FearG5399 God.G2316 HonourG5091 theG3588 king.G935

1Pe_3:10  ForG1063 he that willG2309 loveG25 life,G2222 andG2532 seeG1492 goodG18 days,G2250 let him refrainG3973 hisG848 tongueG1100 fromG575 evil,G2556 andG2532 hisG848 lipsG5491 that they speakG2980 noG3361 guile:G1388

2Pe_2:15  Which have forsakenG2641 theG3588 rightG2117 way,G3598 and are gone astray,G4105 followingG1811 theG3588 wayG3598 of BalaamG903 the son of Bosor,G1007 whoG3739 lovedG25 the wagesG3408 of unrighteousness;G93

1Jn_2:10  He that lovethG25 hisG848 brotherG80 abidethG3306 inG1722 theG3588 light,G5457 andG2532 there isG2076 noneG3756 occasion of stumblingG4625 inG1722 him.G846

1Jn_2:15  LoveG25 notG3361 theG3588 world,G2889 neitherG3366 the thingsG3588 that are inG1722 theG3588 world.G2889 IfG1437 any manG5100 loveG25 theG3588 world,G2889 theG3588 loveG26 of theG3588 FatherG3962 isG2076 notG3756 inG1722 him.G846

1Jn_3:10  InG1722 thisG5129 theG3588 childrenG5043 of GodG2316 areG2076 manifest,G5318 andG2532 theG3588 childrenG5043 of theG3588 devil:G1228 whosoeverG3956 doethG4160 notG3361 righteousnessG1343 isG2076 notG3756 ofG1537 God,G2316 neitherG2532 he that lovethG25 notG3361 hisG848 brother.G80

1Jn_3:11  ForG3754 thisG3778 isG2076 theG3588 messageG31 thatG3739 ye heardG191 fromG575 the beginning,G746 thatG2443 we should loveG25 one another.G240

1Jn_3:14  WeG2249 knowG1492 thatG3754 we have passedG3327 fromG1537 deathG2288 untoG1519 life,G2222 becauseG3754 we loveG25 theG3588 brethren.G80 He that lovethG25 notG3361 his brotherG80 abidethG3306 inG1722 death.G2288

1Jn_3:18  MyG3450 little children,G5040 let us notG3361 loveG25 in word,G3056 neitherG3366 in tongue;G1100 butG235 in deedG2041 andG2532 in truth.G225

1Jn_3:23  AndG2532 thisG3778 isG2076 hisG848 commandment,G1785 ThatG2443 we should believeG4100 on theG3588 nameG3686 of hisG848 SonG5207 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 andG2532 loveG25 one another,G240 asG2531 he gaveG1325 usG2254 commandment.G1785

1Jn_4:7  Beloved,G27 let us loveG25 one another:G240 forG3754 loveG26 isG2076 ofG1537 God;G2316 andG2532 every oneG3956 that lovethG25 is bornG1080 ofG1537 God,G2316 andG2532 knowethG1097 God.G2316

1Jn_4:8  He that lovethG25 notG3361 knowethG1097 notG3756 God;G2316 forG3754 GodG2316 isG2076 love.G26

1Jn_4:10  HereinG1722 G5129 isG2076 love,G26 notG3756 thatG3754 weG2249 lovedG25 God,G2316 butG235 thatG3754 heG846 lovedG25 us,G2248 andG2532 sentG649 hisG848 SonG5207 to be the propitiationG2434 forG4012 ourG2257 sins.G266

1Jn_4:11  Beloved,G27 ifG1487 GodG2316 soG3779 lovedG25 us,G2248 weG2249 oughtG3784 alsoG2532 to loveG25 one another.G240

1Jn_4:12  No manG3762 hath seenG2300 GodG2316 at any time.G4455 IfG1437 we loveG25 one another,G240 GodG2316 dwellethG3306 inG1722 us,G2254 andG2532 hisG848 loveG26 isG2076 perfectedG5048 inG1722 us.G2254

1Jn_4:19  WeG2249 loveG25 him,G846 becauseG3754 heG846 firstG4413 lovedG25 us.G2248

1Jn_4:20  IfG1437 a manG5100 say,G2036 I loveG25 God,G2316 andG2532 hatethG3404 hisG848 brother,G80 he isG2076 a liar:G5583 forG1063 he that lovethG25 notG3361 hisG848 brotherG80 whomG3739 he hath seen,G3708 howG4459 canG1410 he loveG25 GodG2316 whomG3739 he hath notG3756 seen?G3708

1Jn_4:21  AndG2532 thisG5026 commandmentG1785 haveG2192 we fromG575 him,G846 ThatG2443 he who lovethG25 GodG2316 loveG25 hisG848 brotherG80 also.G2532

1Jn_5:1  WhosoeverG3956 believethG4100 thatG3754 JesusG2424 isG2076 theG3588 ChristG5547 is bornG1080 ofG1537 God:G2316 andG2532 every oneG3956 that lovethG25 him that begatG1080 lovethG25 him also that is begottenG1080 G2532 ofG1537 him.G846

1Jn_5:2  ByG1722 thisG5129 we knowG1097 thatG3754 we loveG25 theG3588 childrenG5043 of God,G2316 whenG3752 we loveG25 God,G2316 andG2532 keepG5083 hisG848 commandments.G1785

2Jn_1:1  TheG3588 elderG4245 unto the electG1588 ladyG2959 andG2532 herG848 children,G5043 whomG3739 IG1473 loveG25 inG1722 the truth;G225 andG2532 notG3756 IG1473 only,G3441 butG235 alsoG2532 allG3956 they that have knownG1097 theG3588 truth;G225

2Jn_1:5  AndG2532 nowG3568 I beseechG2065 thee,G4571 lady,G2959 notG3756 as thoughG5613 I wroteG1125 a newG2537 commandmentG1785 unto thee,G4671 butG235 that whichG3739 we hadG2192 fromG575 the beginning,G746 thatG2443 we loveG25 one another.G240

3Jn_1:1  TheG3588 elderG4245 unto theG3588 wellbelovedG27 Gaius,G1050 whomG3739 IG1473 loveG25 inG1722 the truth.G225

Rev_1:5  AndG2532 fromG575 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 who is theG3588 faithfulG4103 witness,G3144 and theG3588 first begottenG4416 ofG1537 theG3588 dead,G3498 andG2532 theG3588 princeG758 of theG3588 kingsG935 of theG3588 earth.G1093 Unto him that lovedG25 us,G2248 andG2532 washedG3068 usG2248 fromG575 ourG2257 sinsG266 inG1722 his ownG848 blood,G129

Rev_3:9  Behold,G2400 I will makeG1325 themG3588 ofG1537 theG3588 synagogueG4864 of Satan,G4567 which sayG3004 theyG1438 areG1511 Jews,G2453 andG2532 areG1526 not,G3756 butG235 do lie;G5574 behold,G2400 I will makeG4160 themG846 toG2443 comeG2240 andG2532 worshipG4352 beforeG1799 thyG4675 feet,G4228 andG2532 to knowG1097 thatG3754 IG1473 have lovedG25 thee.G4571

Rev_12:11  AndG2532 theyG846 overcameG3528 himG846 byG1223 theG3588 bloodG129 of theG3588 Lamb,G721 andG2532 byG1223 theG3588 wordG3056 of theirG848 testimony;G3141 andG2532 they lovedG25 notG3756 theirG848 livesG5590 untoG891 the death.G2288

Rev_20:9  AndG2532 they went upG305 onG1909 theG3588 breadthG4114 of theG3588 earth,G1093 andG2532 compassed the camp of the saints about,G2944 G3588 G3925 G3588 G40 andG2532 theG3588 belovedG25 city:G4172 andG2532 fireG4442 came downG2597 fromG575 GodG2316 out ofG1537 heaven,G3772 andG2532 devouredG2719 them.G846


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1 Corinthians

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2 Corinthians

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1 Thessalonians

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2 Timothy

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1 Peter

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1 John

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2 John

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3 John

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2.  Merriam-Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary



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“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” ~~~~~~ This online Bible study series addresses primary New Testament words in their original language - Koinè Greek - as opposed to mainly using the English translations; which is like adding color to a black-and-white picture.

Faith Video Ministries

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"

Faith Bible Ministries

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"