Tag Archives: The Passover

The Origin of the Curse of Friday the 13th – The Passover*

Introduction (04/13/2018) Friday falls on the 13th of the month only a few times a year, but almost anyone you talk to seems to think that those days are full of bad luck.  If you do a Google word search concerning the origin of the idea that Friday the 13th is unlucky, you’ll find a […]

The Origin of the Curse of Friday the 13th – The Passover (01/13/2017)

Introduction Friday falls on the 13th of the month only a few times a year, but almost anyone you talk to seems to think that those days are full of bad luck.  If you do a Google word search concerning the origin of the idea that Friday the 13th is unlucky, you’ll find a lot […]

Faith Bible Ministries Blog ~ An Online Study of the Bible

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” ~~~~~~ This online Bible study series addresses primary New Testament words in their original language - Koinè Greek - as opposed to mainly using the English translations; which is like adding color to a black-and-white picture.

Faith Video Ministries

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"

Faith Bible Ministries

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"